Our little candy taker!

20111101-013310.jpgWe had so much fun with our own little Hoot on Halloween night! He wasn't so sure about leaving the warmth of our cozy house and putting on his costume to walk around outside, but once he realized the goal of trick-or-treating, he was all about the treats...running from house to house to grab more!


20111101-013338.jpg We couldn't persuade him to say trick-or-treat (or even thank you, much to my dismay), but his adorably handmade owl costume (thank you aunt Laura and Mia!) sure did allow for him to get what he wanted without much effort!

20111101-013343.jpg Turns out our neighborhood is a hot spot for Halloween...the streets were full of people and houses were decorated so creatively. Of course, these were our favorite pumpkins of the night! Can you tell what they are?

20111101-013351.jpg Ernie and Bert! Cute, huh?
