Happy Weekend! (and Friday Links)

Doing anything festive this weekend?  David has a string of work-free weekends right now which has been so nice!  

Tonight, we are roasting homemade marshmallows, getting cozy, and watching a holiday movie.  For the rest of the weekend, we are going to the Garden d'Lights for the first time and preparing to watch Jack's mind be blown at the Star Wars themed Gingerbread Village!  I've also requested an early birthday dinner at Delancey and can hardly wait for an Americano and pizza!

Happy Weekend!  Here are a few links that piqued my interest this week:

Have you seen this 2016 calendar?  Wow...Serena Williams is amazing!

I love this message.

Perhaps the most beautiful website that I have ever seen.  It doesn't hurt that nearly all of the photos are of delectable pastries (my weakness)!

Terrific running apparel to make you look good while doing something good for your body.

And, finally...Santa.  A lie or a childhood mystery?  This has been a hot topic in our house every year.  It is the one lie we tell Jack and it doesn't feel right, yet I am not willing to spoil the thrill of the mystery...

PS A few notes from their visit with Santa, shown above: Jack asked for a Walker Lego set and a skateboard, he answered that he could "do better" when asked if he had been a good boy, and he told Santa that Rigby is starting to grow his 4 front teeth so he is wishing for things to chew on.

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